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What The Mini Camara Can Do?

What The Mini Camara Can Do?


Seize the moment

You never know when your relative will start sharing a memory. Be ready to record at any time; if you

are, you will capture some precious gems.

Plan an evening

You and your friend can have an evening meeting of questions and answers about your lives. If you

have a nice Mini Camera to record these events, and share it with your children what you're talking about

your friendship, favorite pets, first jobs, etc.

Record songs and poems

Does your relative have favorite songs he or she is always singing or a favorite poem he or she

memorized as a child? Invite them to sing or recite—you’ll be glad you did.


Interview family members about childhood memories, significant life events, favorite scriptures, or their

testimonies. For some interview questions sure to spark engaging and enlightening conversation,

check out StoryCorps’s lists of Great Questions. There’s something for practically anyone and any

type of relationship.

Capture the video

It is wonderful to watch our loved ones’ expressions and gestures as they share their life stories,

perhaps shedding tears or breaking into joyful smiles. Capturing these moments on video allows us to

enjoy them now and the future.

Upload and share

Many family histories and social media websites allow you to upload these precious audio and video

files and attach them to your ancestors’ profiles. They add a wonderful dimension that goes beyond

documents and written stories, and they inspire greater love for your relative. Young people are more

likely to find and share these stories if they can access them through the internet.

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