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Man booked for \'snooping\' on estranged wife through spy camera

by:Hnsat     2020-09-13
After his separated wife accused him of spying on her, a man was in trouble.
After his separated wife accused him of spying on her, a man was in trouble.
The man in the middle of him
Police said today that in his 40 s he was accused of installing spy cameras in a woman\'s bedroom in a house in the city\'s Kalepadal area, where he no longer lives.
\"They got married about twenty years ago.
But within a year after they got married, the man went abroad to work and stayed there for a few years.
However, when he returned to India about 10 years ago, the couple\'s relationship deteriorated.
She said that after he came back, the couple stayed together for eight months, but since the matter between them was not resolved, the man moved to Bengaluru to live with his parents.
\"But he doubted his wife\'s character and often went to the apartment in Pune to meet their 12-year-old son.
The official said that during one of his visits, he secretly installed a spy camera on the water purifier in the bedroom to monitor her.
\"The woman discovered a secret camera in January.
\"A few months later, she contacted the police and filed a complaint about his alleged surveillance of her,\" Calais said . \".
According to her complaint, under section 354th (C)(voyeurism)
Criminal Law of India (IPC)
She said she registered on Monday.
\"Once the man has come to Pune from Bengaluru, we will talk to him and take further action,\" Kale said . \". .
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